Artists In Residence

Every year since the MGZ Goddess Gallery was established here at the Isis Oasis Sanctuary, the Goddess Gallery in connect with & by the support of the Temple of Isis host an ‘Artist in Residence’ program.

The goal of this ‘Artist in Residency’ program is to bring forth art inspired by Our Lady of Ten Thousand Names via artists being exposed to the largest collection of Goddess Figurines & Statues from around the world as gathered by the late Goddess Historian & Activist Morning Glory Zelle. Just as Morning Glory used these statues to teach devotees around the world that the Divine Feminine is living breath aspect of our world via her famous “Tea with the Goddess” lecture series – we to use these Divine Ladies to inspire all forms of art that truly tell Her story.

All artists in residence here at the Isis Oasis Sanctuary work alongside these Divine Ladies in the Goddess Gallery to be inspired to tell a unique aspect of Her never ending story. It is our aim to create an “Artist in Residency” program that showcases the influence of Her Divine Grace in our ever changing world!

‘Live In’ Temple Artist In Residence

Spacewalker : One-Woman-Band, Intuitive Life Coach, Music Practitioner, Oracle Card Creator & Master of Ceremonies.

Visit her website :

2019 Artist In Residence

Bee Divine Embodiment Project

“In ancient times shamans used ritual theater to embody the gods and goddesses. It was sacred—play and the imagination were key. That’s what this project is about, using imagination to create the sacred, to create something deeply true and real, archetypal, and transcendent. The Divine Feminine is of the earth as well as the cosmos. She is of the body. She is awakening in the body, and we intend to call Her forth, to use that experience for transformation, healing, and expansion.” Priestess Elizabeth Huebner

Elizabeth created the first ‘official’ sacred space for the Divine Feminine at the cultural festival Burning Man in 2019 by applied for a grant with the Burning Man organization, and was awarded a partial grant to begin construction through the Honoraria art projects.

Check out their website :

2020 Artist In Residence

Elizabeth Sciore-Jones : Goddess Artist & Priestess

“The primordial deity for our Paleolithic and Neolithic ancestors was female, reflecting the sovereignty of motherhood..Paleolithic and Neolithic symbols and images cluster around a self-generating Goddess and her basic functions as Giver-of-Life, Wielder-of-Death, and as Regeneratrix.”

Marija Gimbutas, The Language of the Goddess

The Venus Cult is my ceramic arts studio, primarily creating voluptuous earthenware Goddesses.  There is a place deep in our senses that understands the universal cycle; birth, life, death, rebirth. The ancients worship the maternal giver of life is exemplified in the carved and clay goddesses found throughout the world in one form or another.  I base my creative study mainly on the Paleolithic Venuses of Europe.  Bringing this ‘prehistoric’ form into contemporary use is a great passion. Hand sculpting beastly aliens, animal heads, three breasted folkloric mothers used in the creative act of ritual and prayer.

The Cosmic Lume is my installation practice, utilizing second-hand items to create a maximalist altar landscape.  These mega sculptures are immersive, utilizing sound, light, and space to create a sensory container.  I create experimental films and soundtracks that create a play of light over the surface of the entire scene. I feel something ancient speaking through me as I create these sensation guided spaces.  The authentic nature of intuitive building allows me to voice something that has no words in modern living.  

Visit her website :

2021 Artist In Residence

Courtney Barriger : Priestess. Sacred Storyteller. Artist. Talent. Designer. Sustainability Advocate

“I hail from the sandy beaches of Jacksonville Florida, and have a deep and ever growing love for people’s stories — the way they choose to live and the passion they express through their eyes — each revealing a unique beauty that is theirs alone.  As a storyteller bridging the fashion industry, I strongly believe in a regenerative future, and Holding Court is a tool to change how we see apparel and understand the world through stories so we can live with grace, kindness, and style with a desire to grow.

When not on set or word-smithing, you can find me hiking through California’s wilderness or conspiring a new creative project with my incredible team. My zest for life and inherent curiosity have instilled in me a lust for wanting more and leaving no stone unturned.” – Courtney Barriger

Visit her website :

2022 Artist In Residence

Yozmit : Priestess, Trans Two-Spirit Sacred Performer

I am a Two-Spirit singer-songwriter, interdisciplinary performance artist, visual artist, and costume designer. I started my career as a fashion designer but rediscovered myself as a performance artist through the practice of physical theater, dance, and traditional Korean music – “Pansori” and “Gayageum-Byungchang”. Instead of transforming my physical body from male to female, I choose to use spiritual practice through a Buddhistic approach of transcendence and art practice as tools for my liberation from personal and social conflicts around gender and identity. I believe that there is immense power to be found beyond one’s dualistic thought processes and tapping into the unknown mysteries of Self.

 My work is transformation. I believe the discipline of the creative process embodies and manifests metamorphosis. My work has continuously evolved my understanding of Self. I believe that my work creates the potential for others to do the same.

Visit her website :